42% of Lubrication professionals say contamination is the most common cause of bearing failures at their plant, according to a recent poll through a major Tribology forum.

It’s not uncommon for small bearings (with low speed factors) to be kept sealed without any re-lubrication and very little maintenance required.

LubricatorKing automatic greaser lubricators are Filled in our Factory designed for zero contaminant even at microscopic level to enter our Lubricators, and the FailProof & water tight installation will eliminate Contamination 100% from your bearing or seal during operation.

There is a Difference … Ask us what makes Lubricator King® diffrent and the Only Fail-Proof Automatic Lubricator on the market.

Switch to The Tribology engineered Automatic Greaser and start realizing Real Return on Investment through Automatic Lubrication.

Email: sales@Lubricatorking.com



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